Gynecomastia surgery with Dr. Paulsen

Are you uncomfortable taking your shirt off at home or in public due to fatty tissue around your breast area? If so, you may have gynecomastia and be a candidate for gynecomastia surgery. Gynecomastia is very common in men and can be corrected with gynecomastia surgery giving you the chest area you once had. To view a sample of the surgical results Dr. Paulsen has achieved for his gynecomastia patients view the Gynecomastia Gallery.

Do I need gynecomastia surgery?

 If your chest has begun to resemble more fatty breast tissue rather than firm pectoral muscles, you may have gynecomastia. The condition is caused by a hormonal imbalance of testosterone and estrogen. At times, only one breast is affected or both may be swollen at different sizes. With the swelling, the chest may also be tender. If you find that, despite weight loss and exercise, your chest remains fatty and protruding, surgery may be ideal.



What is gynecomastia surgery?

Gynecomastia is the surgical procedure to remove the unwanted fatty breast tissue. The procedure uses liposuction or surgically cuts out fat, tissue and excess skin if needed from the breasts. What remains is a masculine chest with a flatter and firmer contour. During your consultation with Dr. Paulsen your goals will be discussed and a customized surgical plan will be developed to ensure you receive the desired results in the safest environment possible.

Men in general good health with a moderate amount of elasticity and firmness to their skin are ideal for the procedure.  Depending on the individual situation, some procedures are covered by insurance. Typically an outpatient procedure, the surgery lasts around one hour under general anesthesia or local anesthesia. Ending results can be permanent